EIC Connect: Energy Vietnam
When: 17 May 2018
Where: Ho Chi Minh City

Why attend? The EIC Connect event model continues to expand around the globe with Vietnam becoming our latest host country.
This event, which benefits greatly from the support of Vietnam’s national oil and gas company, PetroVietnam, and national power company, Electricity of Vietnam, will bring together the country and regions’ major players with supply chain companies through a day of conferences, vendor briefings, energy project updates, one-to-one meetings and an exhibition.
Invited speakers include representatives from PetroVietnam, Electricity of Vietnam, ExxonMobil, GE and Siemens.
Vietnam is committed to increasing its oil and gas reserves and is spending heavily on offshore exploration, while also taking huge strides in the renewables sector, with a particular focus on solar power, where the government has recently signed off on legislation encouraging project development.
To book your delegate place, stand or find out about sponsorship opportunities, please visit: www.the-eic.com/EICConnect/EnergyVietnam.aspx
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