Overseas delegation to Ghana

When: 3–5 February 2020
Why attend? Ghana currently has proven reserves of 700 MMbbl of oil and a production rate of more than 200,000 bbl/d. Production is expected to increase in the near future, following deepwater discoveries coming online such as Aker Energy’s Deepwater Tano Cape oil block.
There are significant opportunities for the UK oil and gas supply chain, as Ghana’s oil and gas industry could see over US$18bn estimated CAPEX for projects starting during the next four years, which includes the midstream and downstream sectors.
Delegates will have the opportunity to participate in 10–14 pre-arranged group meetings with decision-makers from key EPC contractors and operators and gain a better understanding of the country’s local content laws, current projects and much more.
Further networking opportunities will be available at an evening reception held at the British High Commission Accra. Our delegations are an excellent introduction to new markets in a supportive environment, with the logistics and agenda all taken care of for you.
For the full itinerary please visit: www.the-eic.com/Events/OverseasDelegations/Ghana
Picture Credit | iStock
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